Travel to Italy from the USA: What you need to know
The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here — Italy is now welcoming U.S. travelers once more.
After a challenging year, the situation in Italy has drastically improved: restaurants and points of interest are fully open, curfews have been lifted, and, most recently, the requirement to wear masks outdoors was removed on June 28, 2021. If you’re ready to visit Italy, continue reading below to learn about the COVID-19 Green Certificate and the rules currently in place for travel to Italy from the United States.
What is the COVID-19 Green Certificate
Starting July 1, 2021, the European Union’s (EU) COVID Certificate regulation will be in effect for 12 months. The certificate allows for travel throughout the European Union without the holder being subject to quarantines or additional COVID-19 tests. The COVID-19 Green Certificate, also called Green Pass, Green Certificate, or COVID Certificate, confirms that the holder has either been fully vaccinated, has recently tested negative for COVID-19, or has recently recovered from COVID-19. Effective June 21, 2021, Italy’s provisions related to the Green Certificate apply to travelers from the United States.
Before departing, all travelers to Italy must complete a digital Passenger Locator Form or a paper-based self-declaration. To avoid a 10-day quarantine upon arrival in Italy, travelers from the United States may present a COVID Certificate from their local health authority that is compliant with EU and Italian regulations.

How the Covid-19 Green Certificate Works
The EU COVID Certificate is a standardized method to verify vaccination, a recent negative COVID-19 test result, or recent recovery from COVID-19. Under the regulation, EU Member States must refrain from imposing additional travel restrictions on certificate holders, such as quarantines or COVID-19 testing. An exception would be to protect public health; EU Member States have the ability to reintroduce travel restrictions, even for certificate holders, if the epidemiological situation worsens quickly or if an elevated prevalence of variants is detected.

The COVID-19 Green Certificate and U.S. Travelers
Travelers from the United States who meet the requirements of the EU COVID Certificate will not be subject to quarantine upon arrival in Italy. To qualify, U.S. travelers must present one of three valid certificates to their air carrier upon embarking and to local authorities upon entering Italy. The valid certificates that satisfy Green Certificate provisions are as follows:
- Vaccinated travelers may enter Italy starting 14 days after the final dose of an EU-approved COVID vaccine (Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and AstraZeneca). Fully vaccinated travelers with a valid certificate should be exempt from COVID testing and quarantines when traveling to Italy. A COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card with the CDC logo will serve as proof of vaccination for U.S. travelers.
- Unvaccinated travelers may enter Italy with a valid negative COVID-19 PCR or rapid antigen test result. Tests must be carried out no more than 48 hours prior to departure. A valid certification from the laboratory that performed the test must be presented.
- Those who have recovered from COVID-19 should be exempt from COVID testing and quarantines while traveling in Italy for 180 days starting on the 11th day after their positive COVID test. These travelers must present a medical certificate with relevant details that attest to their illness and recovery.
- Unvaccinated children over 6 years old will be subject to pre-departure COVID testing, while children under 6 years old are exempt from pre-departure COVID testing. Unvaccinated children under 18 years old traveling with a parent or family member who is not subject to quarantine will be exempt from quarantine as well.

The purpose of this post is to summarize information concerning the EU COVID Certificate as a courtesy to our travelers. The accuracy of the information contained herein is reported to the best of our knowledge. While we make every effort to keep this post current and updated, please refer to government authorities for specific details and the latest updates regarding the COVID-19 Green Certificate and international travel, which can also be viewed at the following official websites:
European Commission
Ministero della Saluta (Italian Health Ministry)
Travel State Gov
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)